author = {Marimon, Josep and Ballvé i Freixa, Josep Maria and Cumellas i
Ribó, Josep and Massana, Antoni and Muset, Josep and Romeu,
Lluís and Sancho i Marraco, Josep and Socias i Mercader,
title = {Avemaries per a 1 v i Ac},
year = {Principis s. XX},
note = {Conté: [1] "5 Ave Maríes de Josep Marimon"; [2] 5 "Aves
Maríes / Sancho Marraco a 1 veu"; [3] "Ave Maria / (Massana)";
[4] "Ave Maria / (Ballvé)"; [5] "Ave Maria / (Comellas)"; [6] 3
"Ave Maria / (Romeu)"; [7] "Ave Maria / (B. Socias)"; [8] "Ave
Maria / (Muset)".},
institution = {Arxiu Comarcal de la Garrotxa. Fons de l'església parroquial de
Sant Esteve d'Olot, 72/5},
url = {https://ifmuc.uab.cat/record/6526},