Cançons per a 1 v i P
Ahlert, Fred
Bestorn, Don
Blake, George
Browne, Bradford, 1875-1953
Fields, Arthur
Fischer, Fred
Fred Coots, J.
Guizar, Tito
Hall, Fred
Hofman, Fred
Kent, Walter
Keyes, Clay
Leslie, Roy
Mcconnell, G. B.
Merrin, Billy
Potter, Harold
Rich, Max, 1897-1970
Sarony, Leslie
Scholl, Jack
Turk, Roy
Wayne, Mabel

Títol: Dashs / album of / Radio Dance Hits/ The Girl in the little green hat / Wheezy Anna / Always in my heart / The song that broke my heart / Goodness me / Night After Night / Keep your last goodnight for me / Rosa mia / Poor me, poor you / I laughed so hard i nearly died / Grand / What wouldja like for breakfast?
Publicació: London : Iewin Dash Music Co. Ltd, Denmark Street, 10, (s. d.)
Número planxa: I.D.P. 106-120
Estat: Complet
Localització: Arxiu Comarcal del Vallès Oriental. Fons Joan Vernet
Sign Top: 2/2
Signatura: GraJV_Imp-2

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Arxiu Municipal de Granollers > Fons Joan Vernet (GraJV) > Fons Joan Vernet (GraJV). Impresos d'autor

 Registre creat el 2016-12-20, darrera modificació el 2024-06-27

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