Lamentacions per a 4 v i Ac
Tomàs i Homs, Antoni, † 1950

Title: Lamentationes / Feriæ VI in Parasceve / 4 coc. inæq. / A. Tomàs, Pbro. / in A. E. Cath. Schol. Magistro / Tarragona 1931
Text incipit: [1] De lamentatione Jeremiæ prophete, [2] Lamed. Matribus suis dixerunt, [3] Alef. Ego vir videns
Voices: Ca, A, T, B 1/2
Instruments: Vc, Cb
Tonality: [1, 2] La m; [3] Fa M
Date: 1931
Format: 1 Qd rc de 20 p Particel·les: 12 qd ap
Status: Complet
Location: Arxiu Històric Arxidiocesà de Tarragona. Arxiu de la Catedral de Tarragona. Fons de la Catedral de Tarragona
Call number: 460
Signature: TarC_Au-1056
Census: ACT 3272

Original digitalitzat:

Incipit musical
Original manuscrit

The record appears in these collections:
Chapter Archive of the Cathedral of Tarragona > Tarragona Cathedral Collection (TarC) > Tarragona Cathedral Collection (TarC). Author manuscripts

 Record created 2015-12-01, last modified 2023-02-16

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