Ramon Florensa Collection (TagRF)

The Ramon Florensa Fonds is conserved in the Urgell County Archive (ACUR) in Tàrrega thanks to the donation of this archive by Josep Maria Martí i Sanfeliu, a descendant of the Florensa family, in 1987. The fonds is a compilation of the compositional repertoire created by the musicians Miquel Florensa i Artigues (1833-1900), chapel master and organist of Santa Maria d’Alba parish church in Tàrrega and a band and music school director, and Ramon Florensa i Candàlia (1875-1912), his son, the parish organist and a leading figure in the city’s musical activities.

The fonds is conserved in 25 archival boxes, and its musical repertoire consists of a total of 208 authored handwritten works, 172 anonymous works, 19 authored printed items and 10 anonymous printed items. Its timeframe spans the second half of the 19th century to the first third of the 20th century. The compositional repertoire of the authored handwritten works can be broken down as follows: Miquel Florensa, 64 works; Ramon Florensa, 17; Joan Pont, 16; Antoni Xaudiera and Celestí Vila de Forns, 15; Salvador Vidal, 12; Carles Baguer, 11; Ignasi Maymó, 10; Mateu Ferrer, 4; Salvador Furés, Eduardo López, Ramon Nicolau, Vicenç Paysà, Joan Riba and Francesc Salvat, 2 works; and just a single work by Josep Barba, Joan Bros, Bonaventura Bruguera, Manuel Camós, Rafael Domènech, Jaume Joan Lleys, P. de Maldà, Feliu Monné, Ignasi Parella, J. Pou, Bernat Calbó Puig, Pere Rigau, Josep Rodoreda, Josep Saurí and Joan Vila, among others. The oldest works in the TagRF Fonds are a “Salve Regina â Duo / y a 4º con Violes / 1777” and a bound volume with a collection of keyboard music that contains 9 sonatas by Carles Baguer, along with works by Manuel Camós, Mateu Ferrer and Antoni Xaudiera. In terms of the orchestra repertoire, worth noting is the “Symphony / with instruments by Ignacio Maymó composed on 1 August 1864” by the young musician from Tàrrega, Ignasi Maymó (1850-1881). The fonds also has a strong contingent of dance music, which must have accounted for the bulk of the usual repertoire of the band-orchestra conducted by Miquel Florensa and Ramon Florensa, with americanas, contradances, dianas, mazurkas, marches, pasodobles, polkas, poupurris, sardanas, waltzes and chotis.1

1NIUBÓ I SALA, Olga. Inventaris del fons musicals de Catalunya. Volum 5: Fons Ramon Florensa de l’Arxiu Comarcal de l’Urgell. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2010 [2011].

Fonds Factsheet

Acronym: TagRF

IFMuC Link: https://ifmuc.uab.cat/collection/TagRF?ln=en

Title: Ramon Florensa Fonds

Archive and location:
Arxiu Comarcal de l’Urgell (ACUR)
Carrer les Sitges, 4-6
25300 Tàrrega

Mornings, Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Afternoons, Monday to Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Last saturday of the month, non holiday, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m..

Email: acurgell.cultura@gencat.cat

Date(s): 19th to 20th centuries

Extent and medium: 25 box files

Miquel Florensa i Artigues (1833-1900), Ramon Florensa i Candàlia (1875-1912) and Ignasi Maymó i Martí (1850-1881)

Download the complete fonds factsheet HERE

The TagRF Fonds during the cataloguing process

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Ramon Florensa Collection (TagRF). Author manuscripts (208)
Ramon Florensa Collection (TagRF). Anonymous manuscripts (170)
Ramon Florensa Collection (TagRF). Author printed works (19)
Ramon Florensa Collection (TagRF). Anonymous printed works (10)