Credo, Sanctus i Agnus
Balius i Vila, Jaume, † 1822

Title: Credo con Violí Oboes y Trompas. Balius
Text incipit: Patrem omnipotentem
Voices: I Cor: Ti, A, T, B; II Cor: Ti, A, T, B
Instruments: Ob 1/2, Tpa 1/2, Vl 1/2, Ac, Org (x)
Tonality: La M
Date: Darrer quart s. XVIII
Format: PS 3 f rc, 315 x 216; 2 bf ap 216 x 315; 8 qd rc, 4 bf rc, 270 x 186
Status: Incomplet
Notes: És probable que es pugui relacionar amb Girc: Ms Au-101. PS de Tpa 2 incompleta.
Location: Arxiu Diocesà de Girona. Arxiu Capitular de la Catedral de Girona. Fons de la catedral de Girona
Call number: 9/1
Signature: GirC_Au-92

Incipit musical
Original manuscrit

The record appears in these collections:
Chapter Archive of the Cathedral of Girona > Girona Cathedral Collection (GirC) > Girona Cathedral Collection (GirC). Author manuscripts

 Record created 2019-09-04, last modified 2024-06-19

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